Classmate Profiles (1949)

     In Memory: 15
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 14
     Military Service: 5
   Restricted to Classmates only


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Irene Anderson Blix (Spencer)
Bob Atterberry
Charles Bench
Imogene Burnett (Stone)    
Don Clark
Virfinia Cochran (Delcour)    
Fred Cook
Dale Davenport    
Walter Gray     
Alva Hardin
Beverly Hoyle (Burns)
John Innes  
Hilary Jergens
Louise Laughlin (Garzelli)
Betty Jo Lee (Scheinost)    
Francis Long     
Dorothy McGahan
Sally Null (Ganaway)   
Leo Page
Bob Reddel
Jack Routh     
Billy Rowden    
Patty Smith
Peggy Smith (Green)    
June Taylor (Kirkland)    
Carl Vach     
Dorothea Vaughn
Jewell Wells (Nelson)
Juanita Williams (Dye)    
Elenor Woodin (Small)    
Bert Worthy
Cora York (Dye)    

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