Classmate Profiles (1991)

     User has created a profile: 50
     Profile contains photos: 7
     In Memory: 7
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 5
     Military Service: 12
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Matthew Abbott
Christopher Abraham
Rebekah (Becky) Adair (Everetts)
Catherine Adkins (Keeling)    
Gwendolyn Aguirre (Bellamy)
Sherry Alford (Kirk)
Thomas Alvino (Alvino)   
Carla Anderson
Damon Augustine
Tremayne Ballard
Shannon Banning
Katrina Bassett (Ramsay)
Shawn Baxter
Larry Bell
Quinetta Bell (Budd)
Covell Bellamy
Brenda Belleville (Rosas)
Monica Benavidez
Billie Blanton (Pierson)
Virella Blevins (Asi)
Percy Block
Walter Blocker
Gene Blount
Jeffery Boaz
Christopher Boegler
Wendy Boldt (Cohen)
Stephanie Boseke (O'Dell)
Mathew Boseman
Patrice Bradley
Carlton Bradshaw
Paul Bradshaw
Michelle Breidenbaugh
Anthony Brewster (Brewster)   
Marchelle Brown
Virdel Bullock
Jim Burk
Dennis Camp   
Kristina Cannon (Foster)   
Natalie Carmack (McCart)
Tanya Carroll
Robert Chapman
LaShonda Cochran    
Amy Coffey (Wisener)   
Tawanna Cole
Chris Coles
Jamie Coles
Kim Collins (Celaya)
Tarra Colthar (Haidara)   
Alice Conklin (Cruz)   
Sun Hui Cook (Snook)   
Rebecca Covert (Como)   
Kevin Crawford
Jamie Crissman (White)   
Christina Crowell
Matthew Crowther
Sasha Cruz (McCrear)
Lizbeth Curet (Nava)   
Jennifer Deanda
Jacinto DeLeon    
Robert Derryberry   
Maria Devilla (Guth)
Carmen Dietrich (Williams)
Stefanie Dietrich (Dietrich)   
Kirk Dilly
Michelle Doll (Olson)
Vanessa Dornhoefer
Stacey Dvorak (Lewis)
Lena Eldridge (Leverett)   
Kris Elliott
Donald Eubanks   
Christine Fair
Tawnya Farris   
Shanna Ferkol
Lora Fisher (Dye)
Michael Fogarty
Marianna Fowler (Fowler)   
Melanie Fuller (Alexander)
Linda G?Sell (Pflasterer)
Anita G Gaono (Wiggins)    
Charity George (Cummings)    
Kelli Gifford (Hamilton)
Cheryl Gillis (Hays)    
Michelle Gittings
Percy Golden
Ruben Gomez
Thomas Goodman
Barbara Goodwin
Anh Gore (Robinson)
Anita Graham
Richard Gravette
Kirstian Grigus (Bruhn)
Chad Guieb
Jimmy Hale
Christopher Hall
Quoen Harris
Maile Hartman (Carroll)
Nichole Haywood (Sprueil)
Harold Henderson
Autumn Henry (Cortez)
Chad Henson
Thad Henson
Jennifer Hickam    
Christopher Hill
Marc Hill
Sheila Hillian
Katherine Himes
Cynthia Hobbs (Griffes)   
Steven Holeyfield    
Daryl Hueter
Dwayne Huter
Kirsty Hyde
Kirk Ivy
Patricia Jackson
Sharon Jackson
Terry James
Christie Jameson
David Jones
Latisha Jordan (McDaniel)
Daphne Jorgensen
Dennis Keeling
Michael Kimmis   
Scott Kormeier
Robert Kovacic     
Randy Lamountain
Troy Steven Lane   
Erich Lebeau
Tyleen Lebeda
Irvin Lewis
Stephany Lewis
Wayne 'Rusty' Liwai   
Stephanie Loecher
Michael Long
Joseph Lopez
Clarence Lovejoy
Ormthip Lovejoy
Rebecca Luna (Sierra)   
Kevin Luttrell   
Shanna Maggiano
Alice Mallanda
Kenya Manning
John Marbut    
Gerald Marker    
Jason Martin
Yolanda Ann Martin (Thomas)    
Glenn Mayhar
David McCall
Kevin McKinney
Regina McKinnon (Lawton)
John McPherson (McPherson)   
Stephen Mellan    
Makita Millen
Demetris Miller (James)
Martia Miller (Thompson)
Shannon Minear (Lasorsa)
Michael Misfeldt    
Miranda Mishou (Helmick)    
Barbara Mitchell (Werner)
Henry Mitchell
David Moore
Jennifer Moore (Schulze)   
Timothy Mosley
Jimmy Murphy   
Amy Myers (Johnson)
Memory Nading (Dandaroy)
Albert Nestler
Dean Lyle Niccum
Lisa Nimblette
Alejandra Ottaway
Tommy Page    
Christy Pahula (Santos)
James Parker    
Adam Reed Patterson    
John Patterson
Heather Paul
David Payne
Amy Peeler
Michael Petrie   
Mcneal Phauls
Ginger Phillips (Kraft)
Richard Pickett
Ashley Pierce
Justin Porter    
Luke Pratt
Arthur Price (Price)   
Karel Puddy
Amy Ransdall (Breeden)
Lisa Reed (Rockwell)
Shannon Reed
Wendy Reighard (Kenyon)     
So Rhee
Juanita Rickerson
Dawn Rigney (Kniepkamp)
Victor Rios
Larry Roach
Doramus Roberts
Hollee Robinson (Stanton)
Mark Robinson
Nicholas Rodriguez
Gary Rogers
Cherie Rompre (Gaono)   
Ramiro Rosas
Naomi Rose (Eagle)
Adrian Rouse (Melvin)
David Ruiz
Dahlia Salinas (Trujillo)
Amy Saltink (Barry)   
Janet Sarge
Justin Schader
Hans Schafer
James Schiller
Angela Schoeni (Nathaniel)   
Scott Schulze
Eric Scott
Samuel Senovich
Gregory Shaw
Felton Shoemaker   
Nightsicarlem Sigler (Littlejohn)
Terra Slater
Terry Smith
Anthony Snider
Christy Snider (Williams)
Saundra South
Robert Sperberg
Billy Spicer
Dan Stamets    
Joseph Stevicks
Lisa Stukey (Goree) (Verzosa)
Stephanie Tagge (Free)
Valarie Tanner (Smith)   
Taeano Tausilia
Priscilla Taylor (Perez-Taylor)
Dale Thompson
Heather Thomson (Harrell)
Brenda Tillman (Costanzo)
Paula Toft (Daniels)
Anastasia Tracey (Parnell)
Jeffory Trevarrow
Kathy Trevarrow (Beck)
Lakeesha Tyler
Armando Valenzuela
Henrietta Vaughn (Mitchell)
Kimberly Vegter
Lucinda Wait (West)
Angela West (Dake)   
David Westbrook
Ginger Wheeler (Block)
Daphine White
James White
Ryan White
Malinda Wiggins (Moody)
Michael Wilkins
Amy Williams
Darrol Williams   
Vannie Williams
Lamont Wilson
Malinda Wilson
Alisha Wilson (Renshaw) (Cartwright)
Annette Wimer
Debra Winebrenner (Rizzo)   
James Wise
Donna Wolonsky (Munz)
Christopher Wright
Daniel Wyatt
Juanita Ybarra
Teresa York (Morrison)
Tammy Zeigenbein (Burroughs)
David Zinter

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